This quick how to will show you how to show and/or hide a WordPress meta box by selecting a specific taxonomy/category. This solution uses a little CSS and Javascript to accomplish the goal, and it also works when editing a post or creating a new one.
The Javascript
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | <script type= "text/javascript" > //<![CDATA[ jQuery( function ($) { function my_check_categories() { $( '#_custom_meta_metabox' ).hide(); $( '#categorychecklist input[type="checkbox"]' ).each( function (i,e) { var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ).match(/-([0-9]*)$/i); id = (id && id[1]) ? parseInt(id[1]) : null ; if ($.inArray(id, [4,3]) > -1 && $( this ).is( ':checked' )) { $( '#_custom_meta_metabox' ).show(); } }); } $( '#categorychecklist input[type="checkbox"]' ).live( 'click' , my_check_categories); my_check_categories(); }); //]]> </script> |
This looks awesome! I must come back to this. Do you think a little JQuery could make those boxes slide open too? ; )
Dimas, I’m running into a bit of trouble. I’ve added the JS and CSS. I think there is some trouble with the JS, though, or there is an update that I need to make to it. I updated the reference in the JS to match my metabox – do I need to update the ID references? If so, what changes need to be made?
Hi Jonathan, I did not go into much detail but the example above is specific to a meta box with an id of “_custom_meta” and category ids of [4,3] (see line #16 above)
I’ve just been adding this to a custom post type and noticed that #categorychecklist is modified to #[custom-post-type]categorychecklist, e.g. #mycustompostcategorychecklist.
You can also use the js to hide/show other objects on the page when a category is selected, e.g. the visual editor.
@frances, thanks for the tip!
This is great! However, I would love to be able to do it on pages via template selection under page attribute. I am not a JS person and only have played with it a couple times.
Here’s my JS so far:
function my_check_categories()
var id = $(this).attr('value');
if (id == 'page-template.php' && $(this).is(':selected'))
$('#page_template').live('click', my_check_categories);
Got it working:
try it but it didn´t work for me…
i create a .js File, Paste the above Code in it, change the id to my metabox id.
i run the script with
wp_register_script('check_js', (get_bloginfo('template_url').'/js/check.js'), false);
but when i click on the category nothing happens. the metabox will not display…
any ideas?
best regards,
A nice little addition to this for theme developers (and I’m sure you can add more) is to add a “get Cat by Name” function, and echo the results into line 16.
This way, your theme doesn’t rely on you to know the category #’s just to specify a NAME for the category.
Add this to functions . php
= get_term_by(
And finally, change line 16 of the JS to this:
($.inArray(id, []) > -1 && $(this).is(
I am also sure that you could use this cat id function in a foreach loop to list a bunch of categories.
I get the following error when adding the above code:
uncaught referenceError: jquery is not defined
Any idea??
Hi there. I’d like to get this working but this post demands a certain knoweldge i don’t have on where to put these things mentions in your video. Could you provide a bit more of a step by step guide?
well, have the css in place, and calling the js file, changed the id, changed the js meta box, but it won’t work.
Not sure what i am missing, any tips?
update: i finally realized i needed to remove
from the js file, silly me
All works now.
Quick Q
How do I do this if my text editor won’t create an id starting with an ‘_’
#_custom_meta_metabox is not being compiled in the css as an ID
Excuse me, where do I put the javascript? in which file? Sorry but I’m not a developer and I’m willing to learn. Thanks!
Never mind, I’ve found the solution. Thanks!!!
Does anyone know of a tutorial that uses a more step to step method? I have followed this tutorial but it doesn’t seem to work. I must have missed something out. Any help would be greatly appreciated!