Allowing end-users to sort meta box fields is pretty straight forward. These two screencasts will show you how to quickly setup sorting as well as how to setup a simple notification message to alert users to “Update” the post/page.
Allowing end-users to sort meta box fields is pretty straight forward. I’ve created a screencast which will show you how to do it. Of course, I am using WPAlchemy Meta Box, which makes creating the meta box even easier.
Even though you are able to sort fields, the end-user must still click the “Update” button to save the sort order. This follow-up screencast will show you how to setup a simple warning/status message that can appear to notify end-users to “Update” the post/page when the sort order changes.
Hello Dimas,
Thank you very much for your work and this two screencast, it could be very usefull for our futur WordPress projects.
Is it possible to have the example code in text format (zip) ?
You can find a code example here:
Thank you for WPAlchemy metabox plugin it’s realy good!
After this tutorial I create metaboxes in admin panel, thanks.
Can You explain how create output data from metaboxes and display it in single page?