UTF-8 in MySQL — Solving UTF-8 Issues in MySQL
UTF-8 and MySQL can be tricky. Sometimes the problem isn’t noticed right away. Here is how I solved my recent encounter with UTF-8 issues and MySQL.
PHP Multi Dimensional Array Combinations
This PHP function will take a multi dimensional array and create all its possible combinations (not permutations). I used this function in debug code, but I can see its use in many other cases.
WordPress Plugin Internationalization (i18n) Localization (L10n)
Internationalizing your plugin is not difficult. All the information you need is out there and the WordPress Codex is very good resource, but I thought I’d sum it up for those who need the quick skinny on the matter.
Windows Apache PHP FastCGI Setup
If you’re like me, you prefer installing Apache and PHP on your own without the use of WAMPServer. The goal is to setup the latest Apache server with PHP 5 and PHP 4 using FastCGI.
How to Install and Configure a NGINX Server (LEMP Stack)
If you are interested, like I am, in setting up your own web server and hosting your own projects then I hope you will follow along. This guide will walk you step by step on setting up a LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP).

CodeIgniter htaccess
This is the .htaccess file that I use for my CodeIgniter PHP projects (some of these .htaccess rules can be used for any project, keep reading). CodeIgniter uses mod_rewrite to route all requests to the CI front controller. I’ve made some additions in an attempt to canocalize some of the CodeIgniter URL end points. The key benefit of a canocalized URL is that your search engine page ranking (page juice) is not spread across several pages, but instead, targeted to a single page.

Saving Form Data to Google Spreadsheets Using PHP and the Google Docs API
The general idea is to read a Google Spreadsheet through PHP and save user submitted form data via the Google Documents List Data API. By doing this, you can quickly view all the submissions at a glance and you are also able to export CSV files of the data. Using Google Docs gives you and your clients a quick and easy interface to interact with form data.