How To Show/Hide WordPress Meta Boxes By Selecting Categories
This quick how to will show you how to show and/or hide a WordPress meta box by selecting a specific taxonomy/category. This solution uses a little CSS and Javascript to accomplish the goal, and it also works when editing a post or creating a new one.
How To Integrate the WordPress Media Upload Box Into Your Meta Boxes
This video is quick and dirty talk about the WPAlchemy_MediaAccess helper class which will help you integrate the WordPress Media Uploader with your custom meta boxes.
Sorting WordPress Meta Box Fields
Allowing end-users to sort meta box fields is pretty straight forward. These two screencasts will show you how to quickly setup sorting as well as how to setup a simple notification message to alert users to “Update” the post/page.
WPAlchemy MetaBox: Data Storage Modes
This release introduces two modes of operation when creating a WordPress Meta Box: Array Mode and Extract Mode. The default mode is Array and will typically work well for the majority of users. Learn how and when to use Extract mode.

WPAlchemy MetaBox: Filtering and Repeating Fields
Support for two key features make this WordPress meta box PHP class even more attractive. With the addition of filtering and repeating fields, you have even more flexibility when using meta boxes for your themes and plugins.